Hello,shoo Yes, it is the time in night. there is four hours discrepancy between Beijing's time to Moscow's time. it is time for supper where...
Hello,shoo Thanks you for awaking me. regards
None read The article?
Hello, Bill/TPOC Nothing happens while The shellcode in the article (От зеленого к красному: Глава 3: Программирование в Shell-код стиле....
Hello,yureckor Thanks you very much. it is ok. best regards.
Hello,yureckor I modified your code for controling the font. But the background of the string changed his sizes when the string is moving...
Hey,Shoo Thanks you for help. I want to figure out the problem which the chars are glittering in clock. Because i found the bmp is not...
hello, All who are interested the topic. Thanks you for response. I'v already used any method which I knew(include TextOut and...
hey,staier Thanks you for response. means: let a text to moving as a butterfly. regards
hey,All This is a moving bmp. Could you help me to change a text from a bmp? regards [img] 522560717__mt_5.rar
hey,yureckor Thanks you for gave me more information. we often need to encrypt or decrypt a buffer with a byte or word or dword. since...
Hey,SteelRat Thanks you for help This is the best method which I really need. best wish to you.
hey,yureckor Thanks you for help. ;========== ;Local buffer1[128]:byte ;Local buffer2[128]:byte mov esi, offset buffer1 mov edi,...
Hey,tasman. Thanks you. it's ok. regards.
hey,AsmGuru62 Thanks you for help. ;========== ;41/16=? mov edx, 41 xor eax,eax mov ebx,16 div ebx ;========== is it right?...
hello,all ;======== mov edx, 41 mov eax,41 mov ebx,16 div ebx ; Integer overflow exception. ;===== what's wrong? regards
hello,shoo Thanks you for response. I did it only for improving my asm ability. no times to be limited. I'v already learned a lot...
Hello,shoo the font size may be modified by following parameter. ;======================================================== invoke...
hello,shoo problem: 1. the chars are glittering. 2. every char can't fly when mouse is moving. regards. [img]...
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