hey,cresta that's all. Thanks you very much.
Hello,all why the ListView display ONE char? [img] 559287858__charW.rar
hello,cresta it is very helpful. I'll learn How it works. Thank you very much.
Hello,masquer Thanks you. elegant GUI,it is the best browser. regards
hello,CARDINAL where could we get the free opera? regards
Hello, shoo Thanks you. I'm interesting your method. but it is some complicated toward me. have you some demos ? I used the LisView as a...
Hello,shoo i'm glad to meet you here again. MS Said: ;========================================================= pszText If the...
Hello,everyone ;------------------------------ lOCAL lv:LV_ITEM ... mov lv.cchTextMax, 65535d ......
no problems about usage; yes problems about security.
invoke CreatePacket, addr ddddgfgh, 36, 8, esi where?CreatePacket
Thanks you.
How do I change the background of list area as same as other area ? [img] _1021590258__Q_Snap001.jpg
I used the Firefox to access your website. the attachment can't work for downloading, only opening the attachment. I hope you modify it....
Hello,everyone The trouble has been figured out by scronty. go to www.scrontsoft.com sorry for my lazy searching.
Hello,comrade Anyway,I thank you for response. it is not my code, i downloaded it from Последние исходники in www.wasm.ru, I'm very glad to...
Hello,Someone Could you help me? regards
Hello,All The code has some trouble. 1. while the code is running on two PC in local net. Only the Pc which requested connection Can write...
Thanks you who responsed the topic. it's a lot of usefully information. I forgot the rc file. regards [img] _1775922375__rsrc.rc
Hello,All the attachment txt is the dasm of a exe file. How I translate it into a source code? give me some methods 1. How i...
Hey, Broken Sword If you want to use this shellcode apart you must compile it with /section:.text,ERW option. thanks you for guiding.
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