hello,all protocol:GGP ip address: ;=================== what's the package function? regards
KillConnect should be used by the CreateThread
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alas,the big tree attracts the wind.
I guess they have showed their strength.
real vacuity. [img] 1769044306__11.jpg
;---------------------------------------- SEH_NODE struct _preHandler dword ? _execeptionHandler dword ? SEH_NODE ends...
OPVERBEGIN MACRO local opcodeStart, opcodeEnd DD (offset opcodeEnd - offset opcodeStart) ; block size opcodeStart LABEL BYTE...
hey,NullSessi0n Thanks you. clear more
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Hey,crypto is it worked for you? [img] _1133937579__1.jpg
Please fix.
Hello,all if CPU be setted the trap flag. Dynamic modify itself. else normally work. endif how it works?
OK,Please del the thread. Thanks.
Hello,Bill Prisoner until now, I can't make this style code to work. Please check the code why it can't work. []
Hello,Аноним I used MS-VC to created exe file, but the code can't work. msg: "Veritas NetBackup v4/v5/v6 "Volume Manager Daemon" Stack...
Hello,shoo Thank you very much. best regards
exe2bin file.exe file.bin msg:"file can't be converted." That's why?
Hello,Kozyr__,NullSessi0n Thanks you. you are starting to talk the pivotal question. regards
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