Hello G13,regiomontanus,W4FhLF thanks your response. every exe file has his resource which included ico. i knew how add some code(shellcode) into...
invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ID_TESTICO invoke SendMessage, hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, eax a part shellcode _xcall [_LoadIcon],...
Hello,shoo thanks you. i'll try to use this method. best regards
hello,shoo and twgt Thanks your response. the most installation software can add their item into the "START" button. the following codes can't...
Hello,all the handle of "START" button is known. how can i add some menus to "START" button?
Hello,q_q that's all Thank you very much.
thanks you for the response. That can't work. i hope to change the code, not use old 8.3 names.
mov sei.cbSize,sizeof SHELLEXECUTEINFO mov sei.fMask,SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS m2m sei.hwnd,hWnd mov sei.lpVerb,NULL m2m...
sorry,post error.
UnIniDataSize equ ($ - offset hInstance)
Thanks for your time and consideration
.586 .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include...
Hey,opennetworks thanks. asm code could you modify the following to detect DNS SERVER or ROUTER?
hey,opennetworks thanks. i can't understand what you said the packet was disappeared while i used [ip port software] to scan. that's meaning...
HELLO,opennetworks thanks your answer. while a local network was crashed, the package appears. which computer does send the package? DNS server,...
hello, q_q that's all. thank you very much.
q_q, Thanks you for respondence. i want to need working as following jpg.
here is a code that i modified a bit from Four-f 's code. but it works inharmoniously. how do i modify it?
plz del
Hello,all if you have a bit times, Please chech that's why. regards
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