hi. can you give more description details in what this is intended to be used?
can someone provide pratical examples?(source code samples in c) i know, im not interested in this toys. architecture of CPU - x86 operating...
so, for the stack description i can read intel manuals. still no further explanation about the buffer. can someone explain the difference between...
simnet_, thank you very much for providing some answers. deLight, i prefer to ask to the persons who know the right answers, about the questions,...
i have some basic questions to ask related to the stack 1) what is the stack? just an abstract data type and data structure? or its part of...
also, it is possible to give a little explanation in what differs the implementation of drivers in *nix and win32? thanks
of course this is a deduction, i was only asking in what consists bug-free code, the technical details to implement security mechanisms.
Freeman nice stuff, just another question what protection mechanism does drivers implement to avoid situations like BSOD and crashs?
hi2all i want to know what is the easy way to lead my winxp to BSOD condition, a friend show me this source { __asm { xor eax, eax mov [eax], eax...
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