offset num description [bits.endian.size] -------------------------------------------- 002580e6 135 libavutil ff_log2_tab [..256]...
I finally got the original dongle of the application, I've looged with hasplogger and then proceded to make the dump with h5dmp.exe, i've tried to...
; Unpacks EXEPACKed files. Uses MS embedded unpacker, after installing a few ; position independant patches in it (to make it build the relocation...
is impossible
Hi, could you please help me to unpack this setup.exe, I've tried but I can't upack it, I think to unpack it, it has to be registered in the...
I am 100% sure you are using PKI encryption algorithms
I hope to find somebody that help me already we have several months an tried around 25 person and nothing :( :(
not to say itself what I walk looking for to him it is to unpacker app soon to descompiler it
I only have this file and don't have access to a reged. app. neither to the dongle. :(
ALLEX i've been trying with the tutorial but it seems it doesn't work because I can't handle very well the Olly though some people have tell me...
UbIvItS if this app uses HASP HL Protection V1.X -> Aladdin
Here is a new document, its aimed at new comers interested in the theory and pratical concepts behind the RSA algo...
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