hey, IceStudent. Ok,Thanks you. how del my post?
Hey,IceStudent sorry for I did that. I'm not wilful. since I know nothing about Russian. I hope you translate the WASM.ENGLISH Russian GUI to...
hello,all. how debug a proc with the multithread is difficult to me. I offten used the Error Msg Reports by the windows file dwwin.exe...
Hey, q_q Thanks you very much. it is becoming more and more nice. 1. once lv_10.exe ran, the processes id and his thread id of to be...
Hey, q_q Thanks you for help. I'v done according to you said, the below problems is still there. ;=========================== 1. a lot...
Hey, q_q Thanks you for help. the listview started working. but its work isn't pretty well. for example: 1. a lot of same index. 2....
Hey, Quantum. I modified some code for simpleness. but it crashed everytime. How debuged a CreateThread proc is difficult to me. I don't...
I don't know how use virtual memory in a global buffer instead.
Hello, Quantum. Thank you very much. Now, it crashed sometimes in my PC when our Local net Ip >61. if it ran, process is becoming big...
2 [img] 456164567__ico.zip
1 [img] _274607068__code.zip
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