Tuning Intel x86Executables

Тема в разделе "WASM.BOOKS и WASM.BLOGS", создана пользователем The Svin, 23 дек 2005.

  1. The Svin

    The Svin New Member

    6 июл 2003

    This thesis describes an approach to do post-compile tuning on computer

    programs in an attempt to increase their execution speed, directed at 32-bit

    executables for the Intel x86 platform running GNU/Linux or Windows. The

    planistofirstreadtheexecutablefile,disassembletheinstructionsandanalys e

    them to recover the information that was lost after compilation but is needed

    to latermodify and recreatethe program. Thenvarious transformations of the

    program’sinstructions areattempted. Finally a new executablefile is written.

    This work consists of two parts. Firstly to identify the problems involved,

    particularly with the code analyser, which is the complicated part of the sys-

    tem. Secondlytoimplement asystem performing the describedprocedure.

    The results are that no problems preventing a successful analysis has been

    found, provided the original programis reasonably well behaved. The imple-

    mentation has been completed so far that a few very simple programs can be

    modified. Thereasonfornothavingcompletedtheactualsystemisthelimited

    time availablefor amaster’s thesis.