Информация о настройке видео в SoftICE

Тема в разделе "WASM.RESEARCH", создана пользователем Asterix, 25 июн 2005.

  1. Asterix

    Asterix New Member

    25 фев 2003
    Взято отсюда http://www.woodmann.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7199

    Official tech support - Configuring Softice to work on all video cards

    Blabberer kindly sent me a thread from another forum in which there is a list from Numega (Compuware) technical support on things to try to fix Softice video problems. Interestingly, the author complained he only got the response after months of waiting..

    Suggestion #4 seemed to be useful, setting the video memory high enough. The recommended setting is 3145K for 1024x768 at 32 bits. Mind you, I run at 2000K for the same resolution and have never had any problems. Points 6-13 have to do with the Int2D patch. Looking at it briefly, the new Int2D vector points to a small proc in the sice driver DbgMsg.sys, which does a couple of checks then in turn jumps to siwvid.sys where it - magically does something magical.

    Thanks to blabberer for keen eyesite and to the guy who posted the response from Compuware, this will go in the FAQ. Here is the list slightly formatted for clarity, it may solve some problems.

    //================================================== =====================

    The following is a list of things that make SoftICE video work on different configurations of video card and SoftICE versions.

    Reboot and try again after each step.

    1) The correct settings for SoftICE Video (in the SoftICE Display Adapter Setup) are Standard Vga with Universal Video Driver box checked. Even if your card was detected. At minimum you should run the display adapter a second time to verify that the correct data was written during testing.

    2) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Siwvid make sure that the entry for start value is set to 0.

    3) Some cards do not support the direct draw system. The correct settings for these in SoftICE Video (in the SoftICE Display Adapter Setup) are Standard Vga with Universal Video Driver box NOT checked.

    4) Try checking the value the video memory in Symbol Loader | Edit | SoftICE Initialization Settings | Video Memory It needs to be set to a value that will hold your the contents of your screen. To determine this multiply the pixel width * pixel height * pixel depth. Pixel depth is: 256 color = 1. High color (16 bit = 2, True color 24 or 32 bit = 4).

    Example: 1024 X 768 @ 32 bit = 3145 KB.

    5) Make sure the value in

    \REGISTRY\Machine\System\ControlSet001\Services\<YourCard>\Device0\Ins talledDisplayDriver

    matches the one in

    \REGISTRY\Machine\System\ControlSet\Services\NTice \InstalledDisplayDriver.



    6) Using regedit go to \REGISTRY\Machine\System\ControlSet\Services\NTice and add the following items.

    DWORD DoInt2dPatch 1

    DWORD Int2dLocation 0

    Reboot TWICE and try again.

    7) Using regedit go to \REGISTRY\Machine\System\ControlSet\Services\NTice and add the following item. Then try the values specified below and reboot.

    DWORD IsInt2dRVA 1

    8) Try a value of 0xe422d in the Int2dLocation location (Normally works on XP SP0).

    9) Try a value of 0x88920 in the Int2dLocation location (Normally works on XP SP1).

    10) Try a value of 0xbe67c in the Int2dLocation location (Normally works on Win 2K SP3).

    11) For W2k sp4, remove the IsInt2dRVA value altogether and change the Int2dLocation value to 0x804c2b95.

    12) For W2k server sp4, remove the IsInt2dRVA value altogether and change the Int2dLocation value to 0x804cE030.

    13) Do the Int2dLocation location patch manually. Remove value for IsInt2dRVA if it exists. Set value for DoInt2dPatch to 1. Set value for Int2dLocation to 0. Go to start->programs->driverStudio->Debug->Symbol Retriever. Use add to add ntoskrnl. Check load symbols into softice. Get symbols. Open a command prompt and hit alt-enter. Then hit ctrl-d. You should be in softice. Once in softice type "s MmLoadSystemImage L d88 85,c0,0f,84" You should see a matched pattern at..... You need the address from that matching. For example 8059064D. Write that down. Open regedit and got to \REGISTRY\Machine\System\ControlSet\Services\NTice Set value for Int2dLocation to that matched address.


    If none of these items work please send the following information:

    1) The export reg file for the \REGISTRY\Machine\System\ControlSet\Services\NTice

    2) The export reg file for the \REGISTRY\Machine\System\ControlSet\Services\SiwVi d

    3) run msinfo32.exe and send the resulting nfo file.

    4) Send a copy of WINICE.DAT under winnt\system32\drivers

    5) Add "/bootlog /SOS" options in \BOOT.INI, reboot, send winnt\NTBTLOG.TXT to us.

    6) Set SoftICE to start at boot mode, reboot. Run symbol loader immediately after Windows is up. Go to file ->save softice history and send that.

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