С помощью фалйа ресурсов rcrs.rc c текстом Код (Text): 500 ICON MOVEABLE PURE LOADONCALL DISCARDABLE "test.ico" фаил компилируется с помощью cvtres.exe и rc.exe и получившийся rcrs.obj скармливаем линкеру link.exe prog.pbj rsrc.obj .. примерно так makeit.bat из проэктов masm32v9 Код (Text): @echo off : ------------------------------- : if resources exist, build them : ------------------------------- if not exist rsrc.rc goto over1 rc.exe /v rsrc.rc cvtres.exe /machine:ix86 rsrc.res :over1 if exist %test.obj del test.obj if exist %test.exe del test.exe : ----------------------------------------- : assemble test.txt into an OBJ file : ----------------------------------------- Ml.exe /c /coff test.txt if errorlevel 1 goto errasm if not exist rsrc.obj goto nores : -------------------------------------------------- : link the main OBJ file with the resource OBJ file : -------------------------------------------------- Link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS test.obj rsrc.obj if errorlevel 1 goto errlink dir test.* goto TheEnd :nores : ----------------------- : link the main OBJ file : ----------------------- Link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS test.obj if errorlevel 1 goto errlink dir test.* goto TheEnd :errlink : ---------------------------------------------------- : display message if there is an error during linking : ---------------------------------------------------- echo. echo There has been an error while linking this project. echo. goto TheEnd :errasm : ----------------------------------------------------- : display message if there is an error during assembly : ----------------------------------------------------- echo. echo There has been an error while assembling this project. echo. goto TheEnd :TheEnd pause