Hello,All The code has some trouble. 1. while the code is running on two PC in local net. Only the Pc which requested connection Can write chars to Textedit. not Both can write char each other. 2. The PC which to be connected can't break the connection. hope you modify the code to wipe off the troubles. regards _1067050280__net.zip
With all due respect, do you think someone has time or wish to download your code and find your bugs? Use a debugger. Isolate the problem. Then, if you are stuck at one specific issue, ask on a bulletin board. Do not expect everything to be handed on a silver platter to you.
Hello,comrade Anyway,I thank you for response. it is not my code, i downloaded it from Последние исходники in www.wasm.ru, I'm very glad to that you answered me. you are a great coder whom i adore long time. I'm learning asm code for making fun and wasting my leisure time, not for living. because the asm code is an entertaining toy regards
Hello,everyone The trouble has been figured out by scronty. go to www.scrontsoft.com sorry for my lazy searching.