#Lazy Python programmer def fact(x): return x > 1 and x * fact(x - 1) or 1 print fact(6) #Lazier Python programmer f = lambda x: x and x * f(x - 1) or 1 print f(6) #Python expert programmer import operator as op import functional as f fact = lambda x: f.foldl(op.mul, 1, xrange(2, x + 1)) print fact(6) #Python hacker import sys @tailcall def fact(x, acc=1): if x: return fact(x.__sub__(1), acc.__mul__(x)) return acc sys.stdout.write(str(fact(6)) + '\n') #EXPERT PROGRAMMER import c_math fact = c_math.fact print fact(6) #ENGLISH EXPERT PROGRAMMER import c_maths fact = c_maths.fact print fact(6) #Web designer def factorial(x): #------------------------------------------------- #--- Code snippet from The Math Vault --- #--- Calculate factorial (C) Arthur Smith 1999 --- #------------------------------------------------- result = str(1) i = 1 #Thanks Adam while i <= x: #result = result * i #It's faster to use *= #result = str(result * result + i) #result = int(result *= i) #?????? result str(int(result) * i) #result = int(str(result) * i) i = i + 1 return result print factorial(6) #Unix programmer import os def fact(x): os.system('factorial ' + str(x)) fact(6) #Windows programmer NULL = None def CalculateAndPrintFactorialEx(dwNumber, hOutputDevice, lpLparam, lpWparam, lpsscSecurity, *dwReserved): if lpsscSecurity != NULL: return NULL #Not implemented dwResult = dwCounter = 1 while dwCounter <= dwNumber: dwResult *= dwCounter dwCounter += 1 hOutputDevice.write(str(dwResult)) hOutputDevice.write('\n') return 1 import sys CalculateAndPrintFactorialEx(6, sys.stdout, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
> NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL.... Это как раз в стиле winapi
Ну я бы напейсал для начала: Код (Text): int fact(int x) { if ( x > 12 ) halt("your mouth write a check that your ass can't cash");