Мужики, подскажите нечто мегафундаментальное (т.е., не Магда/Финогенов) по процессорам, начиная от 4004 (или еще более древних, типо Амига/ХТ) до наших дней. Есть вообще какие-нить монографии, про процессоры, про ихнюю историю, про суть работы, начинку и т.д.? Рус/eng.
выглядит серьезно. правда жаль что не совсем полный спектр процов охватывает. ну да ладно. пасиб огромный.
Guru_of_Zen Если говорить про микропроцессоры, то древнее 4004 просто некуда -- он первый. А вот про процессоры Амига/ХТ не слыхал. Про компутеры -- и слыхал, видел и даже работал, но комп -- это не проц.
Если фундаментальное, то оно не будет иметь отношение к определенным семействам процов, тк в принципе все они строятся по одной и тойже схеме примерно. Из таких книг Танебаум Э. Архитектура компьютера. Да она именно про процессоры начиная от уровня аппаратной логики (И-ИЛИ-НЕ) и кончая уровнем набора команд. Про камни Интела и тд Григорьев Микропроцессор i486, из современных это книги Гука и Юрова. Но три последних автора пишут именно про архитектуру конкретных камней и фундаментального там как раз нет.
SII как скажете. HiroProtagonist посмотрим. кстати что еще можете сказать про Кнутовский ММИХ ? читать или нет стОит ?
linuxmodule хочу также отметить, что есть восьмое издание буки - Intel Microprocessors, The (8th Edition) =================================================================== =================================================================== =================================================================== Editorial Reviews Product Description For introductory-level Microprocessor courses in the departments of Electronic Engineering Technology, Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering. The INTEL Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, and Core2 with 64-bit Extensions, 8e provides a comprehensive view of programming and interfacing of the Intel family of Microprocessors from the 8088 through the latest Pentium 4 and Core2 microprocessors. The text is written for students who need to learn about the programming and interfacing of Intel microprocessors, which have gained wide and at times exclusive application in many areas of electronics, communications, and control systems, particularly in desktop computer systems. A major new feature of this eighth edition is an explanation of how to interface C/C++ using Visual C++ Express (a free download from Microsoft) with assembly language for both the older DOS and the Windows environments. Many applications include Visual C++ as a basis for learning assembly language using the inline assembler.Updated sections that detail new events in the fields of microprocessors and microprocessor interfacing have been added. Organized in an orderly and manageable format, this text offers more than 200 programming examples using the Microsoft Macro Assembler program and provides a thorough description of each of the Intel family members, memory systems, and various I/O systems. From the Back Cover Knowledge of Intel microprocessors, found in most computer systems and in many areas of electronic communications and control systems, is essential for a career in electronics, computer science, or any field that relies on computer systems. Now in its eighth edition, The Intel Microprocessors provides updated comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in the field of microprocessors. This new edition is a powerful reference and instructional tool to: Explain how to Program the Pentium Core 2 and its new 64-bit Architecture Illustrate concepts for students with 200 relevant programming examples, many written in Visual C++ with embedded assembly language code Develop software to control application interfaces to the microprocessor Program the microprocessor using the popular Microsoft Visual C programming environment with embedded assembly language to control personal computers Develop software to control the keyboard, video display, and various other components in the computer system Program the numeric coprocessor, the MMX, and SSE units to solve complex equations Explain the differences between family members and highlight the features of each member Describe the use of real mode (DOS) and protected mode (Windows) of the microprocessor Explain the operation of the memory manager to control the protected mode and paging unit to allocate memory Interface memory and I/O systems to the microprocessor Develop software to drive hardware interfaces and applications Explain the operation of a real-time operating system (RTOS) in an embedded environment Explain the operation of the disk and video systems Interface small systems to the ISA, PCI, parallel and serial ports, and USB of a personal computer system Detail the 64-bit extension (EMT-64) of the Pentium 4 microprocessor Product Details Hardcover: 944 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall; 8 edition (June 28, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 0135026458 ISBN-13: 978-0135026458 Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.6 x 1.5 inches Shipping Weight: 3.8 pounds
6502 и Apple 2 разобраны по косточкам на <300 страниц в Конструкция применение программирование и ремонт ПВЭМ Агат -1990.djvu. Автор: Мымрин М.П.