MS-DOS Source code

Тема в разделе "WASM.SOURCES & 2LZ", создана пользователем TermoSINteZ, 1 окт 2018.

  1. TermoSINteZ

    TermoSINteZ Синоби даоса Команда форума

  2. f13nd

    f13nd Well-Known Member

    Дизассемблированный дос, теперь с оригинальными меточками и комментариями.
  3. SadKo

    SadKo Владимир Садовников

    А выложили-то всё-таки говно мамонта. Вот что на FreeDOS пишут:

    Microsoft open-sources old MS-DOS

    2018-09-29 3:10pm
    Microsoft has released the source code to MS-DOS 1.5 and 2.0 under an open source software license, now available from the MS-DOS repo at Github. As Microsoft notes on their Github page, "These are the same files originally shared at the Computer History Museum on March 25th 2014" and "All files within this repo are released under the MIT (OSI) License." This is significant, because the source code published via the Museum in 2014 was under a "look but do not touch" license. This re-release places the source code under a recognized open source license. The MIT license (also called the "Expat" license) is compatible with the GNU GPL.
    These are very old versions of MS-DOS that do not include more advanced features including CD-ROM support, networking, '386 support, etc. For example, MS-DOS 2.0 was the first version to support directories and pipes/redirection. So from a practical side, FreeDOS is unlikely to reuse this code for any modern features anyway. But for basic features or weird edge cases, we might now be able to reference this code to improve compatibility in FreeDOS.