I've written some BIOS articles which may be of some interest: comprehensive guide to Award BIOS reverse engineering Award BIOS POST Jump Table Hacking a.k.a Award BIOS Code Injection Low Cost Embedded x86 Teaching Tool cheers, Pinczakko
2Pinczakko: It's an honor to meet you here. See, our folks like your artiles very much! It's a brilliant!
@Kaspersky: Thx. I real respect to you too. -------- The PDF version can be downloaded at: Award BIOS Code Injection Award BIOS Reverse Engineering. Unfortunately, this is older version and the one in the link in my first post above have been updated. Anyway, I think the HTML version is better for reading since you can use the link to go directly to the topics of interest .
just made a minor update to the Award BIOS Reverse Engineering Guide article CHANGE LOG ------------------- 1. ToC improved for better navigation. 2. BIOS chip addressing improved. 3. Added new sections: <ol type=1> <li> "Relocatable" Hardware Port explanation <li> Expansion ROM Handling explanation </ol> 4. Better code interpretation :wink: 5. Compressed version of the article can be downloaded as well
the Low Cost Embedded x86 Teaching Tool article is now published as paper in CodeBreakers Journal : Low Cost Embedded x86 Teaching Tool
The Russian translation version has been worked-out by my friends at rom.by. Thumbs up and good-work guys. Its accessible at Руководство Pinczakko к исследованию принципов работы Award BIOS. Note that this is still the very early translation version and still a lot things need to be fixed.
Sorry, I forgot to say that the article that has been translated to Russian is the: comprehensive guide to award bios reverse engineering. Anyway, I guess you all knew it
I've just updated the Award BIOS Reverse Engineering article and added a new IDA Pro introduction section. Many people ask for it these last few months, so I decided to add them. For people used to IDA Pro, I guess it's not that interesting, but for newbie, it could be helpful.
I've made quite a major update in some critical section of the article. Code (Text): CHANGE LOG ------------------ 1. Extension BIOS component decompression and execution routines corrected due to some minor misinterpretation in the previous versions of the article. 2. Added new section on microcode update routine
Article -- Pinczakko's Guide to Award BIOS Patching Maybe some of you interested to read it. link: Pinczakko's Guide to Award BIOS Patching ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Modbin Internals 3. System-BIOS Patching Ninjutsu 3.1. The Secret Of The Sharingan 3.1.1. Byte Patterns a.k.a Signatures of Binary Files 3.1.2. Attacking With Sharingan 3.2. Case 1: Sharingan Attack to The EPA Procedure 3.3. Case 2: Sharingan Attack to The Clock Generator Initialization Routine 4. Generic System-BIOS Patching Ninjutsu 5. References ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- It also contains a little explanation on the clock-generator initialization routine. Maybe this part is interesting for overclocker's around here eventhough it's not as complete as you might expect :wink:
I've added another article: Pinczakko's Guide to Self-patching Expansion ROM Source Code This article explain how you can build an ISA expansion ROM with Fasm without having to take care of the checksum and let Fasm patch the checksum automatically in your expansion ROM source code. The technique is easily extended for PCI expansion ROM development. However, due to lack of time. I don't present it there. You can figure it out easily yourself
I am looking for BIOS patch to remove 32GB BIOS limit at LX chipset. What do you know about "Verifing DMI Pool Data" ? This message has come after Windows 95a setup. How to do remove it ? Tnx.