Code (Text): mov sei.cbSize,sizeof SHELLEXECUTEINFO mov sei.fMask,SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS m2m sei.hwnd,hWnd mov sei.lpVerb,NULL m2m sei.lpFile,SADD("C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\mspaint.exe") m2m sei.lpParameters ,SADD("C:\Documents and Settings\TEST.bmp") mov sei.lpDirectory,NULL mov sei.nShow,SW_SHOWNORMAL m2m sei.hInstApp,hInstance invoke ShellExecuteEx,ADDR sei if there are some blank characters in sei.lpParameters(the path includes blank characters), ShellExecuteEx will be fail. how do i can solve the problem ?
you can simply to do m2m sei.lpFile,SADD("C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\mspaint.exe C:\Documents and Settings\TEST.bmp")