Что здесь неправильно

Discussion in 'WASM.OS.DEVEL' started by CED2011, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. CED2011

    CED2011 New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Jan 15, 2011
    Когда я запускаю с дискеты то выводит 'Read error!'

    ; BOS - FAT12 bootsector ;
    ; - FAT12 compatible. ;
    ; - Loads a binary file from the floppy. ;
    ; ;
    ; Thanks to: Petroff Heroj and John S. Fine for examples. ;
    ; ;
    ; by: Christoffer Bubach, 2003-2005 ;
    ; http://bos.asmhackers.net/ asmhacker@gmail.com ;
    ; ;

    ; TODO:
    ; as i moved some 16-bit stuff to the kernel, i now got
    ; space to do proper testing (for data-area etc),
    ; fix that...
    ; TODO2:
    ; find out why this crap takes ages to load the kernel.. :S

    ; other notes:
    ; this code is public domain, and you can use it for
    ; anything you want. but if you do, please act polite and
    ; give credit. :derisive:
    ; 16-bit mem map (seg:off)
    ; 0x0000:0x0000 -> 0x0000:0x0500 BIOS stuff
    ; 0x0000:0x0500 -> 0x0000:0x2100 FAT12 rootdir
    ; 0x0000:0x2100 -> 0x0000:0x3300 FAT for FAT12
    ; 0x0000:0x3300 -> 0x0000:0x6c00 14,25kb free space
    ; 0x0000:0x6c00 -> 0x0000:0x7400 IDT, 256 descriptors
    ; 0x0000:0x7400 -> 0x0000:0x7c00 GDT, 256 descriptors
    ; 0x0000:0x7c00 -> 0x0000:0x7e00 bootsector
    ; 0x0000:0x7e00 <- 0x0000:0xffff ~32,5kb stack for boot
    ; 0x1000:0x0000 -> 0x9000:0xffff 576kb kernel/free space
    ; 0xa000:0x0000 -> ............. VGA mem etc.

    org 0x7C00

    boot: jmp near start

    ; Standard BIOS Parameter Block, "BPB". ;
    bpbOEM db 'BOS 0.04'
    bpbSectSize dw 512
    bpbClustSize db 1
    bpbReservedSec dw 1
    bpbFats db 2
    bpbRootSize dw 224
    bpbTotalSect dw 2880
    bpbMedia db 240
    bpbFatSize dw 9
    bpbTrackSect dw 18
    bpbHeads dw 2
    bpbHiddenSect dd 0
    bpbLargeSect dd 0
    ; extended BPB for FAT12/FAT16 ;
    bpbDriveNo db 0
    bpbReserved db 0
    bpbSignature db 41 ; 0 = nothing more. 41 = three more (below)..
    bpbID dd 1
    bpbVolumeLabel db 'BOOT FLOPPY'
    bpbFileSystem db 'FAT12 '

    ; starting point of bootsector code ;

    xor ax, ax ; initialize all the necessary
    mov ds, ax ; registers.
    mov es, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0xFFFF ; Stack..

    mov [bpbDriveNo], dl


    ; clear screen and print some ;
    mov ax, 3 ; Set mode 0x03
    int 0x10

    mov bp, loading ; Print loading message.
    mov ax, 0x1301
    mov bx, 7
    mov cx, 12
    mov dx, 0x0102
    int 0x10

    mov bl, 2 ; Set cursor.
    mov ah, 2
    mov dx, 0x0201
    int 0x10

    mov ah, 9 ; Print 14 green dots.
    mov al, '.'
    mov cx, 14
    int 0x10

    ; load FAT and root ;
    mov di, 0x0050 ; Load the root to
    mov ax, 19 ; 0x0000:0x0500 (0x500/0x10)
    mov cx, 14
    call read_sectors

    mov di, 0x0210 ; Load the fat to
    mov ax, 1 ; 0x0000:0x2100
    mov cx, 9
    call read_sectors

    ; search for the file ;
    mov dx, [bpbRootSize]
    mov bx, 0x0500
    mov si, filename
    mov cx, 11
    mov di, bx
    repe cmpsb
    je found
    add bx, 32
    dec dx
    jz error
    jmp filesearch

    ; variables & functions ;
    loading db 'Starting BOS'
    filename db 'KERNEL SYS'
    failure db 'Read error!'

    ; read a number of sectors (one at a time) ;
    ; in: ;
    ; di = segment to save at ;
    ; ax = sector to read ;
    ; cx = number of sectors ;
    ; out: ;
    ; di = updated (added for next read) ;
    ; ax = updated (added for next read) ;
    mov bl, byte [bpbTrackSect] ; bl = number of sectors per track
    div bl ; al = ax / bl
    mov cl, ah ; cl = real sector number
    add cl, 1

    xor ah, ah ; del the rest of the div before
    mov bl, byte [bpbHeads] ; bl = number of heads
    div bl ; ah = rest of ( ax / bx ), al = ax / bx
    mov ch, al ; ch = number of track
    mov dh, ah ; dh = the head number

    mov ax, cx ; save cx in ax
    mov cx, 6 ; try it 6 times
    push es
    push cx
    mov cx, ax ; restore cx
    push cx

    xor ax, ax
    mov dl, [bpbDriveNo] ; reset drive
    push dx
    int 0x13
    jc .failed

    pop dx
    pop cx
    xor bx, bx
    mov es, di
    mov ax, 0x0201 ; function 2, 1 sector
    int 0x13
    jnc .ok ; if it was ok, check next..

    pop dx
    pop ax

    pop cx
    pop es
    loop .next_try ; else try once again if there is an error
    jmp error ; if cx = 0 and the read operation failed, halt
    pop cx ; from the next_try loop
    pop es
    add di, 32 ; add 32 (512/16) to segment
    inc ax ; add sector counter
    loop read_sectors

    ; show a message and wait for a key before reboot ;
    mov bp, failure
    mov ax, 0x1301
    mov bx, 4
    mov cx, 11
    mov dx, 0x0401
    int 0x10

    mov ah, 0
    int 0x16
    int 0x19

    ; the file is found, load it. ;
    mov bp, [bx+26] ; bp=cluster number from directory entry
    mov di, 0x1000 ; 1000 (segment)

    xor cx, cx
    mov cl, [bpbClustSize] ; reset sector count to 1 cluster
    mov si, bp ; si=next should-be cluster for
    ; contiguous reads
    mov ax, 3 ; 3
    mul si ; multiply cluster number by 3
    shr ax, 1 ; divide by two
    mov bx, ax
    mov ax, word [(0x2100+bx)] ; ax=FAT element with junk
    jc .odd_cluster ; jump if the value was odd
    and ax, 0x0FFF ; leave only lower 12 bits
    jmp .got_cluster ; got it
    shr ax, 4 ; (leave only bits 4-15)

    inc si ; si=current cluster+1
    cmp ax, si ; next cluster=current cluster+1?
    jne .force_read ; is it still contiguous?

    add cl, [bpbClustSize] ; increase sector count by 1 cluster
    adc ch, 0 ; add cf+0 to ch
    jmp .next_contiguous

    xchg bp, ax ; ax=bp (base cluster), bp=new cluster
    dec ax ; decrease by 2 to get the actual...
    dec ax ; ...cluster number

    movzx dx, byte [bpbClustSize]
    mul dx ; multiply by sectors per cluster
    add ax, 33 ; add data-area location (33)
    call read_sectors

    cmp bp, 0x0FF8 ; is the new cluster EOF (FF8-FFF)?
    jb .next_block ; if not, read next block

    ; the file is loaded ;
    jmp 0x1000:0x0000 ; jump to loaded file (64kb in mem)

    ; set the BOOT-signature at byte 510. ;
    rb boot+512-2-$
    dw 0xAA55
  2. jabocrack

    jabocrack New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Mar 27, 2010
    ты на эмуле запускаешь или на железе?
  3. jabocrack

    jabocrack New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Mar 27, 2010
    и вообще что за ошибка , биос чтоле выводит?
  4. CED2011

    CED2011 New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Jan 15, 2011
    На железе запускал
  5. Phantom_84

    Phantom_84 New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Jun 6, 2007
    Точно не BIOS. Взгляни на исходник. Т.к. это единственное сообщение об ошибке в тексте загрузчика, причины его возникновения могут быть разными. Например, отсутствует загружаемый файл.
  6. jabocrack

    jabocrack New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Mar 27, 2010
    Запиши на образ дискеты файл 'kernel sys'.