LSP Plugins release 1.1.10 is ready!

Тема в разделе "WASM.PROJECTS", создана пользователем SadKo, 23 июл 2019.

  1. SadKo

    SadKo Владимир Садовников

    4 июн 2007
    г. Санкт-Петербург
    The development of 1.1.10 version took the longest cycle in contrast to previous releases.
    All the changes were planned since January 2019 but many supplementary problems should be solved first.
    This release contains a lot of internal plugin framework changes, implementation of new UI widgets and, probably, a killer toy: LSP Room Builder plugin series. This plugin allows to simulate impulse response of ANY room (and not only room). You just need to model it first in a 3D editor/designer and export as a Wavefont (OBJ) file.

    The overall changelist is the following:
    • Implemented 3D reverb simulator plugin series - Room Builder Mono and Room Builder Stereo.
    • Fixed improper InlineDisplay feature support in LV2 TTL files.
    • Plugin names now have 'LSP' prefix for the LV2 format.
    • Each plugin can now provide it's custom UI class which is derived from common plugin's UI class.
    • Code now compiles for the PPC64 architecture.
    • Code now compiles for the IBM s390x architecture.
    • Added command-line option to pass configuration file name for standalone JACK plugins.
    • The settings stored in configuration file will be automatically loaded at startup.
    • Updated function signatures for libraries which now support '-fvisibility=hidden'
    • compilation flag.
    • Added support of nested menus in the UI toolkit.
    • Added 3D scene rendering support in the UI by using different rendering backends.
    • Implemented GLX backend based on openGL 2.x for rendering 3D scenes.
    • Implemented key-value tree storage (KVTStorage) for storing and managing dynamic parameters.
    • Implemented key-value tree storage (KVTStorage) UI<->DSP synchronization mechanisms.
    • Implemented key-value tree storage (KVTStorage) serialization/deserialization in parameters.
    • Implemented key-value tree storage (KVTStorage) serialization/deserialization for the plugin state.
    • Implemented mechanism for UI<->DSP OSC message interchange.
    • Added support of OSC protocol messages serialization, deserialization and pattern matching.
    • Optimized complex number functions for AArch64 architecture.
    • Changed installation path for jack core library from lib-path to lib-path/lsp-plugins.
    • Added more careful file type analysis for non-EXT file systems.
    • Added support of Hygon Dhyana x86 family CPU optimizations and detection of some other CPU vendors.
    • Now both release and test binaries are available to build into separate subdirectories independently.
    • Improved built-in resource generation tool.
    • Embedded resources are now alphabetically sorted to make the build more deterministic.
    • Added support of built-in presets for plugin's UI.

    You can help the project by donating on BountySource page
    Also you may submit your *.obj models of room. And if they are good, they will be added to the list of presets in the future releases of Room Builder plugin.

    The URL to video with plugin review:

    UbIvItS нравится это.
  2. UbIvItS

    UbIvItS Well-Known Member

    5 янв 2007
    а не лучше ли реверберацию соорудить в виде скрипта, кой будет генерить выходной вав иль мп3, тогда это будет идентично комнате с изменяемой акустикой по таймлайну.
  3. SadKo

    SadKo Владимир Садовников

    4 июн 2007
    г. Санкт-Петербург
    Не понял вашей идеи.
  4. UbIvItS

    UbIvItS Well-Known Member

    5 янв 2007
    SadKo, хотелось бы иметь динамичную реверберацию, то бишь изменяемую по ходу времени. конечно, в музыкальных практиках этого особо не требуется, но для экспериментов со звуком мб полезно. :)